Molecular mechanisms regulating gametogenesis, fertilization, and early embryonic development

Group leader
Prof. A. Gutierrez-Adan

Gutiérrez Adán, Alfonso. Research Professor.
PhD in Biology at the University of Oviedo (1993). Post- doctoral Fellow in the Animal Science Department of UC Davis (California). Currently I am Research Professor and Co-director of Animal Reproduction Department at INIA (Madrid).
See: Research gate, google scholar, intitutional website.

Lena Arévalo (Lüke) Principal Investigator PhD.
I am principal investigator at the Spanish National Research Council (INIA-CSIC) in Madrid and a mother of three. My research focuses on the molecular processes of mammalian reproduction, integrating mechanistic and evolutionary biology. I received my doctoral degree from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), followed by a postdoc at Oklahoma State University and a five-year tenure as principal investigator at the University Hospital of Bonn in Germany.

Fernandez González, Raul. PhD.
I studied at Univerity of Alcalá de Henares, in the village of Miguel de Cervantes. Since my Molecular Biology Degree I have been working in embryo manipulation and transgenesis at Animal Reproduction Department, in INIA. I´ve been producing transgenic mice at the same time that analysing short and long term effects of different artificial reproductive technics in the mouse model, related with Developmental Origin of Adult Diseases. I love outdoor sports, such as diving, running , cycling or take a siesta at the sun.

Pericuesta Camacho, Eva. PhD.
I made my PhD in molecular an cell biology at the Complutense University of Madrid. Currently I work as tecnician in pluripotent and iPS cells and molecular biology, reproductive phisiology (embrionary development), mouse transgenic lines conservation and rederivation.
I am very interesting in education (specially child education), I love reading, traveling and spend time with my family.

Calero Prieto, Antonia.
I am the technitian of the animal facility, taking care of the animal and in charge of their management and maintenance. I am working in the department of animal reproduction of the INIA for 15 years.
I love to read good books and dancing.

Maroto Oltra, Maria, PhD.
I am a biotechnologist (BSc & MSc) from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Since I was really interested in cell division, I developed my PhD in the field of mitosis and cancer at CNIO. Also, in order to learn about meiosis and reproduction I studied a MSc in Human Reproduction at Complutense University of Madrid. Currently, I have the great opportunity of doing research in fertility and embryo development with the help of transgenic mouse models, by using molecular biology techniques, at the Gametogenesis and Molecular Embryology laboratory in the Animal Reproduction Department at INIA.
I like to spend part of my free time listening to music, dancing and walking outdoors."

Marinaro, Federica, PhD. Researcher Juan de la Cierva
I am a biotechnologist from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy), PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Biomedicine and Biotechnology from the UEX. I did my first posdoc in Stem Cell Therapy Unit, "Jesús Usón" Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (CCMIJU), and during 2022, I was a Research investigator at Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. (Madrid, Spain) to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the EMA-approved cell therapy Alofisel®.l (Madrid). I have now a position like Juan de la Cierva. I am enthusiasm for reproductive biology, with interest for the role of extracellular vesicles in the mother-embryo and the epididymis-spermatozoa cross-talk.

PhD students
Navarrete Lopez, Paula, M.S.
I graduated from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) in Biotechnology. Then, I studied a Master of Science in Bioinformatics, at the University of Valencia (UV) and I am currently a PhD student at INIA, where I perform omics data analysis, focusing on isoform analysis with the aim of understanding the mechanisms underlying fertility and embryo development.

De La Fuente Toro, Daniel, M.S.
I have a degree in Health Biology from the University of Alcalá de Henares, with a postgraduate degree in Assisted Reproduction from the European University of Madrid.
I am doing my PhD in reproductive biology for improving the success of the assisted reproductive techniques at INIA and FIV CENTER S.L.U.